Monterey County, CA

Latest Property Taxes

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The top four largest cities in Monterey County are Watsonville, Salinas, Seaside, and Monterey. Property Taxes on this page vary by ZIP Code but the county average is a great approximation. Below are the averages as well as more granulated Tax tables at the ZIP Code level.

How does Monterey County compare?

Monterey County (0.66%) has a 7% lower Property Tax Rate than the average of California (0.71%).

Monterey County is rank 49th out of 58 counties. This means the Property Tax Rate are lower than 48 other counties. Monterey County is the 10th cheapest county in terms of Property Tax Rate.

Tax Tables Monterey County, CA

Average Property Taxes

Property Tax Rate
Property Value
Property Tax

Property Taxes (By Zip Code)

ZipCode Property Tax Rate Property Value Property Tax
93426 0.84% $468,500 $3,939
93450 0.98% $363,200 $3,569
93451 0.80% $487,100 $3,915
93901 0.58% $658,000 $3,849
93905 0.77% $513,300 $3,932
93906 0.65% $568,500 $3,678
93907 0.62% $642,000 $3,962
93908 0.81% $962,100 $7,787
93920 0.00% $1,166,700 $-666,666,666
93921 0.34% $1,966,500 $6,637
93923 0.63% $1,444,200 $9,108
93924 0.63% $1,071,400 $6,728
93925 0.68% $621,200 $4,250
93926 0.58% $580,300 $3,381
93927 0.76% $422,100 $3,199
93928 0.00% $-666,666,666 $-666,666,666
93930 0.76% $391,600 $2,966
93932 0.42% $457,100 $1,919
93933 0.77% $692,800 $5,317
93940 0.63% $960,400 $6,082
93943 0.00% $-666,666,666 $-666,666,666
93944 0.00% $-666,666,666 $-666,666,666
93950 0.60% $1,059,900 $6,367
93953 0.63% $1,596,800 $10,001
93954 0.51% $311,900 $1,588
93955 0.51% $652,300 $3,338
93960 0.70% $521,400 $3,645
93962 1.09% $860,000 $9,375
95004 0.70% $913,300 $6,357
95012 0.51% $559,200 $2,830
95039 0.00% $254,700 $-666,666,666
95076 0.67% $702,700 $4,702

Property Taxes on this page apply to the following cities in Monterey County, California: Watsonville, Salinas, Seaside, Monterey, Marina, Greenfield, Soledad, Pacific Grove, King City, Castroville, Carmel, Gonzales, Carmel Valley, Carmel By The Sea, Pebble Beach, Aromas, San Miguel, Chualar, Moss Landing, and Big Sur.

These Property Taxes also apply to the following ZIP codes in Monterey County, California: 95076, 93905, 93906, 93955, 93940, 93901, 93907, 93933, 93927, 93960, 93950, 93930, 93908, 95012, 93923, 93926, 93924, 93921, 93953, and 93912.

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Data Source

Census Seal

Cenus Data is published by the U.S. census.