District of Columbia Property Taxes

Property Taxes

Property Tax Rates in District of Columbia by county. Click on the map below to view rates for a particular county.

District of Columbia Map

Minimum Property Taxes
Maximum Property Taxes

Property Taxes vary across District of Columbia based on County. The average Property Tax Rate in District of Columbia is 0.56%.

The highest state average Property Tax Rate in the United States is 2.33% in New Jersey. The lowest state average Property Tax Rate in the United States is 0.27% in Hawaii.

View the Property Taxes Overview for detailed information about Property Taxes. Click on a specific county on the map or from the table below for detailed Property Tax information. You can also learn how property taxes are calculated and about their history.

How does District of Columbia compare?

District of Columbia (0.56%) has a 45.1% lower Property Tax Rate, than the average of the US (1.02%).

District of Columbia is rank 40th out of 52 States and territories. The Property Tax Rates are lower than 39 other States and territories. District of Columbia is the 13th cheapest State or territory in terms of Property Tax Rates.

Learn how property taxes affect the cost of homes and rents in an District of Columbia.

Average Property Taxes for District of Columbia

Property Tax Rate
Property Value
Property Tax
Counties in District of Columbia (1)
County Rank Property Tax Rate Property Value Property Tax
District of Columbia 1st 0.56% $705,000 $3,957

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Data Source

Census Seal

Cenus Data is published by the U.S. census.