Sonoma County, CA

2024 Fair Market Rents

Tags: 2024 Santa Rosa, CA MSA

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The top four largest cities in Sonoma County are Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Rohnert Park, and Windsor. Fair Market Rents on this page may apply depending on whether the county uses SAFMRs or county level FMRs. Cities in multiple SAFMR areas will have different SAFMRS based on ZIP code.

What type of FMR does Sonoma County use?

Small Area Fair Market Rents were created by the HUD for this county/Metro Fmr Area however Sonoma County is not required to use Small Area FMRs by the HUD. It is at the discretion of the local Housing Authority to determine if SAFMRs or 40th percentile FMRs are used.

To learn more about the criteria the HUD uses to determine if a Metro FMR Area requires Small Area Fair Market Rents click here.

How does Sonoma County compare?

Sonoma County ($2,377) has a 27.5% higher FMR for 2-Bedroom housing than the average of California ($1,864) and therefore a higher gross rent.

Sonoma County is rank 16th out of 58 counties. This means the FMRs, or in other words, the gross rent is higher than 42 other counties. Sonoma County is the 16th most expensive county in terms of FMRs.

Rent Tables Sonoma County, CA

Fair Market Rent (40th Percentile)


Median Rent (50th Percentile)


Small Market Areas (By Zip Code)

The 90% and 110% SAFMRs represent the minimum and maximum payment standards that can be set by the local Public Housing Authority under regular conditions. The payment standard is the actual value used in Section 8. For more on payment standards click here.

FMRs and SAFMRs are set by the HUD. The local PHA takes these FMR/SAFMR values and may decide to use any value that is within +-10% of the FMR/SAFMR as the payment standard for the areas under their jurisdiction.

For a more in-depth explaination return to the overview page.

ZipCode Studio 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed
94972 $1,950 $2,400 $2,870 $3,530 $3,860
94922 $2,130 $2,390 $3,140 $4,260 $4,520
94923 $1,850 $2,070 $2,730 $3,700 $3,920
94927 $1,610 $1,810 $2,380 $3,230 $3,430
94928 $1,690 $1,900 $2,500 $3,390 $3,600
94931 $1,500 $1,690 $2,220 $3,010 $3,200
94951 $1,380 $1,540 $2,030 $2,800 $3,030
94953 $1,610 $1,810 $2,380 $3,230 $3,430
94954 $2,000 $2,250 $2,950 $4,010 $4,250
94955 $1,610 $1,810 $2,380 $3,230 $3,430
94972 $1,950 $2,400 $2,870 $3,530 $3,860
94975 $1,610 $1,810 $2,380 $3,230 $3,430
94999 $1,610 $1,810 $2,380 $3,230 $3,430
95401 $1,480 $1,670 $2,190 $2,970 $3,160
95402 $1,610 $1,810 $2,380 $3,230 $3,430
95403 $1,530 $1,720 $2,260 $3,070 $3,260
95404 $1,460 $1,640 $2,160 $2,930 $3,110
95405 $1,770 $1,990 $2,610 $3,540 $3,760
95406 $1,610 $1,810 $2,380 $3,230 $3,430
95407 $1,480 $1,670 $2,190 $2,970 $3,160
95409 $1,680 $1,890 $2,480 $3,370 $3,570
95412 $1,380 $1,540 $2,030 $2,800 $3,030
95416 $1,610 $1,810 $2,380 $3,230 $3,430
95419 $1,610 $1,810 $2,380 $3,230 $3,430
95421 $1,380 $1,540 $2,030 $2,800 $3,030
95425 $1,380 $1,540 $2,030 $2,800 $3,030
95430 $1,380 $1,540 $2,030 $2,800 $3,030
95431 $1,420 $1,590 $2,090 $2,840 $3,030
95433 $1,610 $1,810 $2,380 $3,230 $3,430
95436 $1,420 $1,590 $2,090 $2,840 $3,030
95439 $1,610 $1,810 $2,380 $3,230 $3,430
95441 $1,380 $1,540 $2,030 $2,800 $3,030
95442 $1,420 $1,590 $2,090 $2,840 $3,030
95444 $1,530 $1,710 $2,250 $3,060 $3,240
95446 $1,380 $1,540 $2,030 $2,800 $3,030
95448 $1,630 $1,830 $2,410 $3,270 $3,470
95450 $1,380 $1,540 $2,030 $2,800 $3,030
95452 $1,590 $1,790 $2,350 $3,190 $3,390
95462 $1,380 $1,540 $2,030 $2,800 $3,030
95465 $1,780 $1,990 $2,620 $3,560 $3,770
95471 $1,380 $1,540 $2,030 $2,800 $3,030
95472 $1,530 $1,710 $2,250 $3,060 $3,240
95473 $1,610 $1,810 $2,380 $3,230 $3,430
95480 $1,610 $1,810 $2,380 $3,230 $3,430
95486 $1,380 $1,540 $2,030 $2,800 $3,030
95487 $1,610 $1,810 $2,380 $3,230 $3,430
95492 $1,840 $2,060 $2,710 $3,680 $3,900
95497 $1,380 $1,540 $2,030 $2,800 $3,030
ZipCode Studio 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed
94972 $1,755 $2,160 $2,583 $3,177 $3,474
94922 $1,917 $2,151 $2,826 $3,834 $4,068
94923 $1,665 $1,863 $2,457 $3,330 $3,528
94927 $1,449 $1,629 $2,142 $2,907 $3,087
94928 $1,521 $1,710 $2,250 $3,051 $3,240
94931 $1,350 $1,521 $1,998 $2,709 $2,880
94951 $1,242 $1,386 $1,827 $2,520 $2,727
94953 $1,449 $1,629 $2,142 $2,907 $3,087
94954 $1,800 $2,025 $2,655 $3,609 $3,825
94955 $1,449 $1,629 $2,142 $2,907 $3,087
94972 $1,755 $2,160 $2,583 $3,177 $3,474
94975 $1,449 $1,629 $2,142 $2,907 $3,087
94999 $1,449 $1,629 $2,142 $2,907 $3,087
95401 $1,332 $1,503 $1,971 $2,673 $2,844
95402 $1,449 $1,629 $2,142 $2,907 $3,087
95403 $1,377 $1,548 $2,034 $2,763 $2,934
95404 $1,314 $1,476 $1,944 $2,637 $2,799
95405 $1,593 $1,791 $2,349 $3,186 $3,384
95406 $1,449 $1,629 $2,142 $2,907 $3,087
95407 $1,332 $1,503 $1,971 $2,673 $2,844
95409 $1,512 $1,701 $2,232 $3,033 $3,213
95412 $1,242 $1,386 $1,827 $2,520 $2,727
95416 $1,449 $1,629 $2,142 $2,907 $3,087
95419 $1,449 $1,629 $2,142 $2,907 $3,087
95421 $1,242 $1,386 $1,827 $2,520 $2,727
95425 $1,242 $1,386 $1,827 $2,520 $2,727
95430 $1,242 $1,386 $1,827 $2,520 $2,727
95431 $1,278 $1,431 $1,881 $2,556 $2,727
95433 $1,449 $1,629 $2,142 $2,907 $3,087
95436 $1,278 $1,431 $1,881 $2,556 $2,727
95439 $1,449 $1,629 $2,142 $2,907 $3,087
95441 $1,242 $1,386 $1,827 $2,520 $2,727
95442 $1,278 $1,431 $1,881 $2,556 $2,727
95444 $1,377 $1,539 $2,025 $2,754 $2,916
95446 $1,242 $1,386 $1,827 $2,520 $2,727
95448 $1,467 $1,647 $2,169 $2,943 $3,123
95450 $1,242 $1,386 $1,827 $2,520 $2,727
95452 $1,431 $1,611 $2,115 $2,871 $3,051
95462 $1,242 $1,386 $1,827 $2,520 $2,727
95465 $1,602 $1,791 $2,358 $3,204 $3,393
95471 $1,242 $1,386 $1,827 $2,520 $2,727
95472 $1,377 $1,539 $2,025 $2,754 $2,916
95473 $1,449 $1,629 $2,142 $2,907 $3,087
95480 $1,449 $1,629 $2,142 $2,907 $3,087
95486 $1,242 $1,386 $1,827 $2,520 $2,727
95487 $1,449 $1,629 $2,142 $2,907 $3,087
95492 $1,656 $1,854 $2,439 $3,312 $3,510
95497 $1,242 $1,386 $1,827 $2,520 $2,727
ZipCode Studio 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed
94972 $2,145 $2,640 $3,157 $3,883 $4,246
94922 $2,343 $2,629 $3,454 $4,686 $4,972
94923 $2,035 $2,277 $3,003 $4,070 $4,312
94927 $1,771 $1,991 $2,618 $3,553 $3,773
94928 $1,859 $2,090 $2,750 $3,729 $3,960
94931 $1,650 $1,859 $2,442 $3,311 $3,520
94951 $1,518 $1,694 $2,233 $3,080 $3,333
94953 $1,771 $1,991 $2,618 $3,553 $3,773
94954 $2,200 $2,475 $3,245 $4,411 $4,675
94955 $1,771 $1,991 $2,618 $3,553 $3,773
94972 $2,145 $2,640 $3,157 $3,883 $4,246
94975 $1,771 $1,991 $2,618 $3,553 $3,773
94999 $1,771 $1,991 $2,618 $3,553 $3,773
95401 $1,628 $1,837 $2,409 $3,267 $3,476
95402 $1,771 $1,991 $2,618 $3,553 $3,773
95403 $1,683 $1,892 $2,486 $3,377 $3,586
95404 $1,606 $1,804 $2,376 $3,223 $3,421
95405 $1,947 $2,189 $2,871 $3,894 $4,136
95406 $1,771 $1,991 $2,618 $3,553 $3,773
95407 $1,628 $1,837 $2,409 $3,267 $3,476
95409 $1,848 $2,079 $2,728 $3,707 $3,927
95412 $1,518 $1,694 $2,233 $3,080 $3,333
95416 $1,771 $1,991 $2,618 $3,553 $3,773
95419 $1,771 $1,991 $2,618 $3,553 $3,773
95421 $1,518 $1,694 $2,233 $3,080 $3,333
95425 $1,518 $1,694 $2,233 $3,080 $3,333
95430 $1,518 $1,694 $2,233 $3,080 $3,333
95431 $1,562 $1,749 $2,299 $3,124 $3,333
95433 $1,771 $1,991 $2,618 $3,553 $3,773
95436 $1,562 $1,749 $2,299 $3,124 $3,333
95439 $1,771 $1,991 $2,618 $3,553 $3,773
95441 $1,518 $1,694 $2,233 $3,080 $3,333
95442 $1,562 $1,749 $2,299 $3,124 $3,333
95444 $1,683 $1,881 $2,475 $3,366 $3,564
95446 $1,518 $1,694 $2,233 $3,080 $3,333
95448 $1,793 $2,013 $2,651 $3,597 $3,817
95450 $1,518 $1,694 $2,233 $3,080 $3,333
95452 $1,749 $1,969 $2,585 $3,509 $3,729
95462 $1,518 $1,694 $2,233 $3,080 $3,333
95465 $1,958 $2,189 $2,882 $3,916 $4,147
95471 $1,518 $1,694 $2,233 $3,080 $3,333
95472 $1,683 $1,881 $2,475 $3,366 $3,564
95473 $1,771 $1,991 $2,618 $3,553 $3,773
95480 $1,771 $1,991 $2,618 $3,553 $3,773
95486 $1,518 $1,694 $2,233 $3,080 $3,333
95487 $1,771 $1,991 $2,618 $3,553 $3,773
95492 $2,024 $2,266 $2,981 $4,048 $4,290
95497 $1,518 $1,694 $2,233 $3,080 $3,333

Fair Market Rents on this page apply to the following cities in Sonoma County, California: Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Rohnert Park, Windsor, Sebastopol, Healdsburg, Cloverdale, Cotati, Forestville, Penngrove, Guerneville, Glen Ellen, Boyes Hot Springs, Geyserville, Occidental, Kenwood, Bodega Bay, Graton, Cazadero, and El Verano.

These Fair Market Rents also apply to the following ZIP codes in Sonoma County, California: 95403, 94954, 94928, 95404, 95407, 95401, 95492, 95409, 95472, 95405, 95448, 95425, 94931, 95436, 94951, 95446, 95402, 95442, 95416, and 95441.

Sonoma County, CA is considered part of the following metro FMR area: SANTA ROSA, CA MSA.

More on Sonoma County, CA


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Data Source

HUD Seal

Fair Market Rents are published by the Department of Housing And Urban Development.