Queens County, NY

2024 Fair Market Rents

Tags: 2024 New York, NY HUD Metro FMR Area

Return to the state page to see where New York ranks nationally and to view information on other counties. Click on the map to view a different county.

The top four largest cities in Queens County are Elmhurst, Ridgewood, Corona, and Flushing. Fair Market Rents on this page may apply depending on whether the county uses SAFMRs or county level FMRs. Cities in multiple SAFMR areas will have different SAFMRS based on ZIP code.

What type of FMR does Queens County use?

Small Area Fair Market Rents were created by the HUD for this county/Metro Fmr Area however Queens County is not required to use Small Area FMRs by the HUD. It is at the discretion of the local Housing Authority to determine if SAFMRs or 40th percentile FMRs are used.

To learn more about the criteria the HUD uses to determine if a Metro FMR Area requires Small Area Fair Market Rents click here.

How does Queens County compare?

Queens County ($2,752) has a 96.9% higher FMR for 2-Bedroom housing than the average of New York ($1,398) and therefore a higher gross rent.

Queens County is rank 1st out of 62 counties. This means the FMRs, or in other words, the gross rent is higher than all other counties. Queens County is the most expensive county in terms of FMRs.

Rent Tables Queens County, NY

Fair Market Rent (40th Percentile)


Median Rent (50th Percentile)


Small Market Areas (By Zip Code)

The 90% and 110% SAFMRs represent the minimum and maximum payment standards that can be set by the local Public Housing Authority under regular conditions. The payment standard is the actual value used in Section 8. For more on payment standards click here.

FMRs and SAFMRs are set by the HUD. The local PHA takes these FMR/SAFMR values and may decide to use any value that is within +-10% of the FMR/SAFMR as the payment standard for the areas under their jurisdiction.

For a more in-depth explaination return to the overview page.

ZipCode Studio 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed
11004 $2,440 $2,510 $2,820 $3,520 $3,790
11005 $3,580 $3,680 $4,130 $5,150 $5,550
11363 $3,100 $3,190 $3,580 $4,470 $4,810
11691 $2,330 $2,400 $2,690 $3,360 $3,620
11004 $2,440 $2,510 $2,820 $3,520 $3,790
11005 $3,580 $3,680 $4,130 $5,150 $5,550
11101 $2,840 $2,920 $3,280 $4,090 $4,410
11102 $2,990 $3,070 $3,450 $4,300 $4,640
11103 $2,750 $2,820 $3,170 $3,960 $4,260
11104 $2,680 $2,750 $3,090 $3,860 $4,150
11105 $2,900 $2,980 $3,350 $4,180 $4,500
11106 $2,710 $2,790 $3,130 $3,910 $4,210
11109 $3,580 $3,680 $4,130 $5,150 $5,550
11351 $2,440 $2,510 $2,820 $3,520 $3,790
11352 $2,440 $2,510 $2,820 $3,520 $3,790
11354 $2,390 $2,460 $2,760 $3,440 $3,710
11355 $2,370 $2,430 $2,730 $3,410 $3,670
11356 $2,630 $2,700 $3,030 $3,780 $4,070
11357 $2,700 $2,770 $3,110 $3,880 $4,180
11358 $2,520 $2,590 $2,910 $3,630 $3,910
11359 $2,440 $2,510 $2,820 $3,520 $3,790
11360 $3,110 $3,200 $3,590 $4,480 $4,830
11361 $2,830 $2,900 $3,260 $4,070 $4,380
11362 $2,950 $3,030 $3,400 $4,240 $4,570
11363 $3,100 $3,190 $3,580 $4,470 $4,810
11364 $2,750 $2,820 $3,170 $3,960 $4,260
11365 $2,160 $2,220 $2,490 $3,110 $3,350
11366 $2,550 $2,620 $2,940 $3,670 $3,950
11367 $2,190 $2,250 $2,530 $3,160 $3,400
11368 $2,500 $2,570 $2,880 $3,590 $3,870
11369 $2,510 $2,570 $2,890 $3,610 $3,890
11370 $2,570 $2,650 $2,970 $3,710 $3,990
11371 $2,440 $2,510 $2,820 $3,520 $3,790
11372 $2,420 $2,490 $2,790 $3,480 $3,750
11373 $2,500 $2,570 $2,880 $3,590 $3,870
11374 $2,860 $2,940 $3,300 $4,120 $4,440
11375 $2,930 $3,010 $3,380 $4,220 $4,540
11377 $2,500 $2,570 $2,880 $3,590 $3,870
11378 $2,480 $2,550 $2,860 $3,570 $3,850
11379 $2,550 $2,620 $2,940 $3,670 $3,950
11380 $2,440 $2,510 $2,820 $3,520 $3,790
11381 $2,440 $2,510 $2,820 $3,520 $3,790
11385 $2,310 $2,370 $2,660 $3,320 $3,580
11386 $2,440 $2,510 $2,820 $3,520 $3,790
11411 $2,240 $2,300 $2,580 $3,220 $3,470
11412 $2,240 $2,300 $2,580 $3,220 $3,470
11413 $2,380 $2,440 $2,740 $3,420 $3,680
11415 $2,580 $2,650 $2,980 $3,720 $4,010
11418 $2,370 $2,430 $2,730 $3,410 $3,670
11419 $2,420 $2,490 $2,790 $3,480 $3,750
11420 $2,530 $2,600 $2,920 $3,640 $3,930
11422 $2,750 $2,820 $3,170 $3,960 $4,260
11423 $2,120 $2,180 $2,450 $3,060 $3,290
11424 $2,440 $2,510 $2,820 $3,520 $3,790
11425 $2,370 $2,430 $2,730 $3,410 $3,670
11426 $2,700 $2,770 $3,110 $3,880 $4,180
11427 $2,180 $2,240 $2,520 $3,140 $3,390
11428 $2,220 $2,280 $2,560 $3,190 $3,440
11429 $2,220 $2,280 $2,560 $3,190 $3,440
11430 $2,160 $2,270 $2,560 $3,220 $3,470
11431 $2,440 $2,510 $2,820 $3,520 $3,790
11432 $2,570 $2,650 $2,970 $3,710 $3,990
11433 $2,180 $2,240 $2,510 $3,130 $3,370
11434 $1,920 $1,960 $2,210 $2,780 $2,990
11435 $2,310 $2,370 $2,660 $3,320 $3,580
11436 $2,490 $2,560 $2,870 $3,580 $3,860
11439 $2,440 $2,510 $2,820 $3,520 $3,790
11451 $2,440 $2,510 $2,820 $3,520 $3,790
11691 $2,330 $2,400 $2,690 $3,360 $3,620
11692 $2,090 $2,150 $2,410 $3,010 $3,240
11693 $1,920 $1,960 $2,210 $2,780 $2,990
11694 $2,150 $2,210 $2,480 $3,090 $3,330
11697 $2,150 $2,210 $2,480 $3,090 $3,330
ZipCode Studio 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed
11004 $2,196 $2,259 $2,538 $3,168 $3,411
11005 $3,222 $3,312 $3,717 $4,635 $4,995
11363 $2,790 $2,871 $3,222 $4,023 $4,329
11691 $2,097 $2,160 $2,421 $3,024 $3,258
11004 $2,196 $2,259 $2,538 $3,168 $3,411
11005 $3,222 $3,312 $3,717 $4,635 $4,995
11101 $2,556 $2,628 $2,952 $3,681 $3,969
11102 $2,691 $2,763 $3,105 $3,870 $4,176
11103 $2,475 $2,538 $2,853 $3,564 $3,834
11104 $2,412 $2,475 $2,781 $3,474 $3,735
11105 $2,610 $2,682 $3,015 $3,762 $4,050
11106 $2,439 $2,511 $2,817 $3,519 $3,789
11109 $3,222 $3,312 $3,717 $4,635 $4,995
11351 $2,196 $2,259 $2,538 $3,168 $3,411
11352 $2,196 $2,259 $2,538 $3,168 $3,411
11354 $2,151 $2,214 $2,484 $3,096 $3,339
11355 $2,133 $2,187 $2,457 $3,069 $3,303
11356 $2,367 $2,430 $2,727 $3,402 $3,663
11357 $2,430 $2,493 $2,799 $3,492 $3,762
11358 $2,268 $2,331 $2,619 $3,267 $3,519
11359 $2,196 $2,259 $2,538 $3,168 $3,411
11360 $2,799 $2,880 $3,231 $4,032 $4,347
11361 $2,547 $2,610 $2,934 $3,663 $3,942
11362 $2,655 $2,727 $3,060 $3,816 $4,113
11363 $2,790 $2,871 $3,222 $4,023 $4,329
11364 $2,475 $2,538 $2,853 $3,564 $3,834
11365 $1,944 $1,998 $2,241 $2,799 $3,015
11366 $2,295 $2,358 $2,646 $3,303 $3,555
11367 $1,971 $2,025 $2,277 $2,844 $3,060
11368 $2,250 $2,313 $2,592 $3,231 $3,483
11369 $2,259 $2,313 $2,601 $3,249 $3,501
11370 $2,313 $2,385 $2,673 $3,339 $3,591
11371 $2,196 $2,259 $2,538 $3,168 $3,411
11372 $2,178 $2,241 $2,511 $3,132 $3,375
11373 $2,250 $2,313 $2,592 $3,231 $3,483
11374 $2,574 $2,646 $2,970 $3,708 $3,996
11375 $2,637 $2,709 $3,042 $3,798 $4,086
11377 $2,250 $2,313 $2,592 $3,231 $3,483
11378 $2,232 $2,295 $2,574 $3,213 $3,465
11379 $2,295 $2,358 $2,646 $3,303 $3,555
11380 $2,196 $2,259 $2,538 $3,168 $3,411
11381 $2,196 $2,259 $2,538 $3,168 $3,411
11385 $2,079 $2,133 $2,394 $2,988 $3,222
11386 $2,196 $2,259 $2,538 $3,168 $3,411
11411 $2,016 $2,070 $2,322 $2,898 $3,123
11412 $2,016 $2,070 $2,322 $2,898 $3,123
11413 $2,142 $2,196 $2,466 $3,078 $3,312
11415 $2,322 $2,385 $2,682 $3,348 $3,609
11418 $2,133 $2,187 $2,457 $3,069 $3,303
11419 $2,178 $2,241 $2,511 $3,132 $3,375
11420 $2,277 $2,340 $2,628 $3,276 $3,537
11422 $2,475 $2,538 $2,853 $3,564 $3,834
11423 $1,908 $1,962 $2,205 $2,754 $2,961
11424 $2,196 $2,259 $2,538 $3,168 $3,411
11425 $2,133 $2,187 $2,457 $3,069 $3,303
11426 $2,430 $2,493 $2,799 $3,492 $3,762
11427 $1,962 $2,016 $2,268 $2,826 $3,051
11428 $1,998 $2,052 $2,304 $2,871 $3,096
11429 $1,998 $2,052 $2,304 $2,871 $3,096
11430 $1,944 $2,043 $2,304 $2,898 $3,123
11431 $2,196 $2,259 $2,538 $3,168 $3,411
11432 $2,313 $2,385 $2,673 $3,339 $3,591
11433 $1,962 $2,016 $2,259 $2,817 $3,033
11434 $1,728 $1,764 $1,989 $2,502 $2,691
11435 $2,079 $2,133 $2,394 $2,988 $3,222
11436 $2,241 $2,304 $2,583 $3,222 $3,474
11439 $2,196 $2,259 $2,538 $3,168 $3,411
11451 $2,196 $2,259 $2,538 $3,168 $3,411
11691 $2,097 $2,160 $2,421 $3,024 $3,258
11692 $1,881 $1,935 $2,169 $2,709 $2,916
11693 $1,728 $1,764 $1,989 $2,502 $2,691
11694 $1,935 $1,989 $2,232 $2,781 $2,997
11697 $1,935 $1,989 $2,232 $2,781 $2,997
ZipCode Studio 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed
11004 $2,684 $2,761 $3,102 $3,872 $4,169
11005 $3,938 $4,048 $4,543 $5,665 $6,105
11363 $3,410 $3,509 $3,938 $4,917 $5,291
11691 $2,563 $2,640 $2,959 $3,696 $3,982
11004 $2,684 $2,761 $3,102 $3,872 $4,169
11005 $3,938 $4,048 $4,543 $5,665 $6,105
11101 $3,124 $3,212 $3,608 $4,499 $4,851
11102 $3,289 $3,377 $3,795 $4,730 $5,104
11103 $3,025 $3,102 $3,487 $4,356 $4,686
11104 $2,948 $3,025 $3,399 $4,246 $4,565
11105 $3,190 $3,278 $3,685 $4,598 $4,950
11106 $2,981 $3,069 $3,443 $4,301 $4,631
11109 $3,938 $4,048 $4,543 $5,665 $6,105
11351 $2,684 $2,761 $3,102 $3,872 $4,169
11352 $2,684 $2,761 $3,102 $3,872 $4,169
11354 $2,629 $2,706 $3,036 $3,784 $4,081
11355 $2,607 $2,673 $3,003 $3,751 $4,037
11356 $2,893 $2,970 $3,333 $4,158 $4,477
11357 $2,970 $3,047 $3,421 $4,268 $4,598
11358 $2,772 $2,849 $3,201 $3,993 $4,301
11359 $2,684 $2,761 $3,102 $3,872 $4,169
11360 $3,421 $3,520 $3,949 $4,928 $5,313
11361 $3,113 $3,190 $3,586 $4,477 $4,818
11362 $3,245 $3,333 $3,740 $4,664 $5,027
11363 $3,410 $3,509 $3,938 $4,917 $5,291
11364 $3,025 $3,102 $3,487 $4,356 $4,686
11365 $2,376 $2,442 $2,739 $3,421 $3,685
11366 $2,805 $2,882 $3,234 $4,037 $4,345
11367 $2,409 $2,475 $2,783 $3,476 $3,740
11368 $2,750 $2,827 $3,168 $3,949 $4,257
11369 $2,761 $2,827 $3,179 $3,971 $4,279
11370 $2,827 $2,915 $3,267 $4,081 $4,389
11371 $2,684 $2,761 $3,102 $3,872 $4,169
11372 $2,662 $2,739 $3,069 $3,828 $4,125
11373 $2,750 $2,827 $3,168 $3,949 $4,257
11374 $3,146 $3,234 $3,630 $4,532 $4,884
11375 $3,223 $3,311 $3,718 $4,642 $4,994
11377 $2,750 $2,827 $3,168 $3,949 $4,257
11378 $2,728 $2,805 $3,146 $3,927 $4,235
11379 $2,805 $2,882 $3,234 $4,037 $4,345
11380 $2,684 $2,761 $3,102 $3,872 $4,169
11381 $2,684 $2,761 $3,102 $3,872 $4,169
11385 $2,541 $2,607 $2,926 $3,652 $3,938
11386 $2,684 $2,761 $3,102 $3,872 $4,169
11411 $2,464 $2,530 $2,838 $3,542 $3,817
11412 $2,464 $2,530 $2,838 $3,542 $3,817
11413 $2,618 $2,684 $3,014 $3,762 $4,048
11415 $2,838 $2,915 $3,278 $4,092 $4,411
11418 $2,607 $2,673 $3,003 $3,751 $4,037
11419 $2,662 $2,739 $3,069 $3,828 $4,125
11420 $2,783 $2,860 $3,212 $4,004 $4,323
11422 $3,025 $3,102 $3,487 $4,356 $4,686
11423 $2,332 $2,398 $2,695 $3,366 $3,619
11424 $2,684 $2,761 $3,102 $3,872 $4,169
11425 $2,607 $2,673 $3,003 $3,751 $4,037
11426 $2,970 $3,047 $3,421 $4,268 $4,598
11427 $2,398 $2,464 $2,772 $3,454 $3,729
11428 $2,442 $2,508 $2,816 $3,509 $3,784
11429 $2,442 $2,508 $2,816 $3,509 $3,784
11430 $2,376 $2,497 $2,816 $3,542 $3,817
11431 $2,684 $2,761 $3,102 $3,872 $4,169
11432 $2,827 $2,915 $3,267 $4,081 $4,389
11433 $2,398 $2,464 $2,761 $3,443 $3,707
11434 $2,112 $2,156 $2,431 $3,058 $3,289
11435 $2,541 $2,607 $2,926 $3,652 $3,938
11436 $2,739 $2,816 $3,157 $3,938 $4,246
11439 $2,684 $2,761 $3,102 $3,872 $4,169
11451 $2,684 $2,761 $3,102 $3,872 $4,169
11691 $2,563 $2,640 $2,959 $3,696 $3,982
11692 $2,299 $2,365 $2,651 $3,311 $3,564
11693 $2,112 $2,156 $2,431 $3,058 $3,289
11694 $2,365 $2,431 $2,728 $3,399 $3,663
11697 $2,365 $2,431 $2,728 $3,399 $3,663

Fair Market Rents on this page apply to the following cities in Queens County, New York: Elmhurst, Ridgewood, Corona, Flushing, Woodside, Forest Hills, Jackson Heights, Jamaica, Far Rockaway, Rego Park, South Richmond Hill, South Ozone Park, Fresh Meadows, Whitestone, Springfield Gardens, Astoria, Oakland Gardens, Middle Village, Maspeth, and Richmond Hill.

These Fair Market Rents also apply to the following ZIP codes in Queens County, New York: 11373, 11385, 11368, 11355, 11377, 11375, 11372, 11434, 11432, 11354, 11435, 11691, 11374, 11419, 11420, 11365, 11357, 11413, 11367, and 11106.

Queens County, NY is considered part of the following metro FMR area: NEW YORK, NY HUD METRO FMR AREA.

Other counties in the same metro FMR area are: Bronx County, NY, Kings County, NY, New York County, NY, Putnam County, NY, Richmond County, NY, and Rockland County, NY.

More on Queens County, NY


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Data Source

HUD Seal

Fair Market Rents are published by the Department of Housing And Urban Development.