New Haven County, CT

2024 Fair Market Rents

Tags: 2024 Milford-Ansonia-Seymour, CT HUD Metro FMR Area

Return to the state page to see where Connecticut ranks nationally and to view information on other counties. Click on the map to view a different county.

The top four largest cities in New Haven County are West Haven, Wallingford, Milford, and New Haven. Fair Market Rents on this page may apply depending on whether the county uses SAFMRs or county level FMRs. Cities in multiple SAFMR areas will have different SAFMRS based on ZIP code.

What type of FMR does New Haven County use?

Small Area Fair Market Rents were created by the HUD for this county/Metro Fmr Area however New Haven County is not required to use Small Area FMRs by the HUD. It is at the discretion of the local Housing Authority to determine if SAFMRs or 40th percentile FMRs are used.

To learn more about the criteria the HUD uses to determine if a Metro FMR Area requires Small Area Fair Market Rents click here.

How does New Haven County compare?

New Haven County ($1,762) has a 4% higher FMR for 2-Bedroom housing than the average of Connecticut ($1,695) and therefore a higher gross rent.

New Haven County is rank 24th out of 169 counties. This means the FMRs, or in other words, the gross rent is higher than 145 other counties. New Haven County is the 24th most expensive county in terms of FMRs.

Rent Tables New Haven County, CT

Fair Market Rent (40th Percentile)


Median Rent (50th Percentile)


Small Market Areas (By Zip Code)

The 90% and 110% SAFMRs represent the minimum and maximum payment standards that can be set by the local Public Housing Authority under regular conditions. The payment standard is the actual value used in Section 8. For more on payment standards click here.

FMRs and SAFMRs are set by the HUD. The local PHA takes these FMR/SAFMR values and may decide to use any value that is within +-10% of the FMR/SAFMR as the payment standard for the areas under their jurisdiction.

For a more in-depth explaination return to the overview page.

ZipCode Studio 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed
06410 $1,300 $1,430 $1,740 $2,140 $2,440
06401 $1,080 $1,330 $1,560 $1,890 $2,650
06403 $1,310 $1,640 $1,930 $2,330 $3,280
06460 $1,470 $1,850 $2,170 $2,620 $3,680
06461 $1,560 $1,960 $2,300 $2,780 $3,900
06477 $1,710 $1,880 $2,290 $2,820 $3,210
06478 $1,230 $1,540 $1,810 $2,190 $3,070
06483 $1,020 $1,280 $1,510 $1,830 $2,560
06488 $1,440 $1,740 $2,130 $2,750 $3,390
06516 $1,220 $1,340 $1,640 $2,020 $2,520
06770 $1,080 $1,270 $1,480 $1,900 $2,520
06401 $1,080 $1,330 $1,560 $1,890 $2,650
06405 $1,350 $1,480 $1,810 $2,230 $2,540
06410 $1,300 $1,430 $1,740 $2,140 $2,440
06437 $1,460 $1,610 $1,960 $2,410 $2,750
06443 $1,550 $1,710 $2,080 $2,560 $2,910
06450 $1,120 $1,230 $1,500 $1,850 $2,100
06461 $1,560 $1,960 $2,300 $2,780 $3,900
06471 $1,400 $1,530 $1,870 $2,300 $2,620
06472 $1,340 $1,470 $1,790 $2,200 $2,510
06473 $1,340 $1,470 $1,790 $2,200 $2,510
06477 $1,710 $1,880 $2,290 $2,820 $3,210
06492 $1,170 $1,290 $1,570 $1,930 $2,200
06501 $1,210 $1,330 $1,620 $1,990 $2,270
06502 $1,210 $1,330 $1,620 $1,990 $2,270
06503 $1,210 $1,330 $1,620 $1,990 $2,270
06504 $1,210 $1,330 $1,620 $1,990 $2,270
06505 $1,210 $1,330 $1,620 $1,990 $2,270
06506 $1,210 $1,330 $1,620 $1,990 $2,270
06507 $1,210 $1,330 $1,620 $1,990 $2,270
06508 $1,210 $1,330 $1,620 $1,990 $2,270
06509 $1,210 $1,330 $1,620 $1,990 $2,270
06510 $1,630 $1,790 $2,180 $2,680 $3,050
06511 $1,310 $1,430 $1,750 $2,150 $2,450
06512 $1,240 $1,360 $1,660 $2,040 $2,330
06513 $1,120 $1,230 $1,500 $1,850 $2,100
06514 $1,360 $1,490 $1,820 $2,240 $2,550
06515 $1,320 $1,450 $1,770 $2,180 $2,480
06516 $1,220 $1,340 $1,640 $2,020 $2,520
06517 $1,220 $1,340 $1,630 $2,010 $2,280
06518 $1,660 $1,830 $2,230 $2,740 $3,120
06519 $1,220 $1,340 $1,640 $2,020 $2,300
06520 $1,210 $1,330 $1,620 $1,990 $2,270
06521 $1,210 $1,330 $1,620 $1,990 $2,270
06524 $1,350 $1,480 $1,810 $2,230 $2,540
06525 $1,590 $1,750 $2,130 $2,620 $2,980
06530 $1,210 $1,330 $1,620 $1,990 $2,270
06531 $1,210 $1,330 $1,620 $1,990 $2,270
06532 $1,210 $1,330 $1,620 $1,990 $2,270
06533 $1,210 $1,330 $1,620 $1,990 $2,270
06534 $1,210 $1,330 $1,620 $1,990 $2,270
06535 $1,210 $1,330 $1,620 $1,990 $2,270
06536 $1,210 $1,330 $1,620 $1,990 $2,270
06537 $1,210 $1,330 $1,620 $1,990 $2,270
06538 $1,210 $1,330 $1,620 $1,990 $2,270
06705 $1,080 $1,210 $1,470 $1,880 $2,320
06712 $1,120 $1,340 $1,650 $2,130 $2,620
06716 $1,360 $1,630 $2,000 $2,580 $3,180
06770 $1,080 $1,270 $1,480 $1,900 $2,520
06403 $1,310 $1,640 $1,930 $2,330 $3,280
06410 $1,300 $1,430 $1,740 $2,140 $2,440
06478 $1,230 $1,540 $1,810 $2,190 $3,070
06487 $1,080 $1,300 $1,600 $2,060 $2,550
06488 $1,440 $1,740 $2,130 $2,750 $3,390
06701 $1,080 $1,300 $1,600 $2,060 $2,550
06702 $810 $980 $1,210 $1,540 $1,850
06703 $1,080 $1,300 $1,600 $2,060 $2,550
06704 $880 $1,060 $1,300 $1,680 $2,070
06705 $1,080 $1,210 $1,470 $1,880 $2,320
06706 $890 $1,080 $1,320 $1,700 $2,100
06710 $960 $1,150 $1,410 $1,820 $2,240
06712 $1,120 $1,340 $1,650 $2,130 $2,620
06716 $1,360 $1,630 $2,000 $2,580 $3,180
06720 $1,080 $1,300 $1,600 $2,060 $2,550
06721 $1,080 $1,300 $1,600 $2,060 $2,550
06722 $1,080 $1,300 $1,600 $2,060 $2,550
06723 $1,080 $1,300 $1,600 $2,060 $2,550
06724 $1,080 $1,300 $1,600 $2,060 $2,550
06762 $1,170 $1,410 $1,730 $2,230 $2,750
06770 $1,080 $1,270 $1,480 $1,900 $2,520
ZipCode Studio 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed
06410 $1,170 $1,287 $1,566 $1,926 $2,196
06401 $972 $1,197 $1,404 $1,701 $2,385
06403 $1,179 $1,476 $1,737 $2,097 $2,952
06460 $1,323 $1,665 $1,953 $2,358 $3,312
06461 $1,404 $1,764 $2,070 $2,502 $3,510
06477 $1,539 $1,692 $2,061 $2,538 $2,889
06478 $1,107 $1,386 $1,629 $1,971 $2,763
06483 $918 $1,152 $1,359 $1,647 $2,304
06488 $1,296 $1,566 $1,917 $2,475 $3,051
06516 $1,098 $1,206 $1,476 $1,818 $2,268
06770 $972 $1,143 $1,332 $1,710 $2,268
06401 $972 $1,197 $1,404 $1,701 $2,385
06405 $1,215 $1,332 $1,629 $2,007 $2,286
06410 $1,170 $1,287 $1,566 $1,926 $2,196
06437 $1,314 $1,449 $1,764 $2,169 $2,475
06443 $1,395 $1,539 $1,872 $2,304 $2,619
06450 $1,008 $1,107 $1,350 $1,665 $1,890
06461 $1,404 $1,764 $2,070 $2,502 $3,510
06471 $1,260 $1,377 $1,683 $2,070 $2,358
06472 $1,206 $1,323 $1,611 $1,980 $2,259
06473 $1,206 $1,323 $1,611 $1,980 $2,259
06477 $1,539 $1,692 $2,061 $2,538 $2,889
06492 $1,053 $1,161 $1,413 $1,737 $1,980
06501 $1,089 $1,197 $1,458 $1,791 $2,043
06502 $1,089 $1,197 $1,458 $1,791 $2,043
06503 $1,089 $1,197 $1,458 $1,791 $2,043
06504 $1,089 $1,197 $1,458 $1,791 $2,043
06505 $1,089 $1,197 $1,458 $1,791 $2,043
06506 $1,089 $1,197 $1,458 $1,791 $2,043
06507 $1,089 $1,197 $1,458 $1,791 $2,043
06508 $1,089 $1,197 $1,458 $1,791 $2,043
06509 $1,089 $1,197 $1,458 $1,791 $2,043
06510 $1,467 $1,611 $1,962 $2,412 $2,745
06511 $1,179 $1,287 $1,575 $1,935 $2,205
06512 $1,116 $1,224 $1,494 $1,836 $2,097
06513 $1,008 $1,107 $1,350 $1,665 $1,890
06514 $1,224 $1,341 $1,638 $2,016 $2,295
06515 $1,188 $1,305 $1,593 $1,962 $2,232
06516 $1,098 $1,206 $1,476 $1,818 $2,268
06517 $1,098 $1,206 $1,467 $1,809 $2,052
06518 $1,494 $1,647 $2,007 $2,466 $2,808
06519 $1,098 $1,206 $1,476 $1,818 $2,070
06520 $1,089 $1,197 $1,458 $1,791 $2,043
06521 $1,089 $1,197 $1,458 $1,791 $2,043
06524 $1,215 $1,332 $1,629 $2,007 $2,286
06525 $1,431 $1,575 $1,917 $2,358 $2,682
06530 $1,089 $1,197 $1,458 $1,791 $2,043
06531 $1,089 $1,197 $1,458 $1,791 $2,043
06532 $1,089 $1,197 $1,458 $1,791 $2,043
06533 $1,089 $1,197 $1,458 $1,791 $2,043
06534 $1,089 $1,197 $1,458 $1,791 $2,043
06535 $1,089 $1,197 $1,458 $1,791 $2,043
06536 $1,089 $1,197 $1,458 $1,791 $2,043
06537 $1,089 $1,197 $1,458 $1,791 $2,043
06538 $1,089 $1,197 $1,458 $1,791 $2,043
06705 $972 $1,089 $1,323 $1,692 $2,088
06712 $1,008 $1,206 $1,485 $1,917 $2,358
06716 $1,224 $1,467 $1,800 $2,322 $2,862
06770 $972 $1,143 $1,332 $1,710 $2,268
06403 $1,179 $1,476 $1,737 $2,097 $2,952
06410 $1,170 $1,287 $1,566 $1,926 $2,196
06478 $1,107 $1,386 $1,629 $1,971 $2,763
06487 $972 $1,170 $1,440 $1,854 $2,295
06488 $1,296 $1,566 $1,917 $2,475 $3,051
06701 $972 $1,170 $1,440 $1,854 $2,295
06702 $729 $882 $1,089 $1,386 $1,665
06703 $972 $1,170 $1,440 $1,854 $2,295
06704 $792 $954 $1,170 $1,512 $1,863
06705 $972 $1,089 $1,323 $1,692 $2,088
06706 $801 $972 $1,188 $1,530 $1,890
06710 $864 $1,035 $1,269 $1,638 $2,016
06712 $1,008 $1,206 $1,485 $1,917 $2,358
06716 $1,224 $1,467 $1,800 $2,322 $2,862
06720 $972 $1,170 $1,440 $1,854 $2,295
06721 $972 $1,170 $1,440 $1,854 $2,295
06722 $972 $1,170 $1,440 $1,854 $2,295
06723 $972 $1,170 $1,440 $1,854 $2,295
06724 $972 $1,170 $1,440 $1,854 $2,295
06762 $1,053 $1,269 $1,557 $2,007 $2,475
06770 $972 $1,143 $1,332 $1,710 $2,268
ZipCode Studio 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed
06410 $1,430 $1,573 $1,914 $2,354 $2,684
06401 $1,188 $1,463 $1,716 $2,079 $2,915
06403 $1,441 $1,804 $2,123 $2,563 $3,608
06460 $1,617 $2,035 $2,387 $2,882 $4,048
06461 $1,716 $2,156 $2,530 $3,058 $4,290
06477 $1,881 $2,068 $2,519 $3,102 $3,531
06478 $1,353 $1,694 $1,991 $2,409 $3,377
06483 $1,122 $1,408 $1,661 $2,013 $2,816
06488 $1,584 $1,914 $2,343 $3,025 $3,729
06516 $1,342 $1,474 $1,804 $2,222 $2,772
06770 $1,188 $1,397 $1,628 $2,090 $2,772
06401 $1,188 $1,463 $1,716 $2,079 $2,915
06405 $1,485 $1,628 $1,991 $2,453 $2,794
06410 $1,430 $1,573 $1,914 $2,354 $2,684
06437 $1,606 $1,771 $2,156 $2,651 $3,025
06443 $1,705 $1,881 $2,288 $2,816 $3,201
06450 $1,232 $1,353 $1,650 $2,035 $2,310
06461 $1,716 $2,156 $2,530 $3,058 $4,290
06471 $1,540 $1,683 $2,057 $2,530 $2,882
06472 $1,474 $1,617 $1,969 $2,420 $2,761
06473 $1,474 $1,617 $1,969 $2,420 $2,761
06477 $1,881 $2,068 $2,519 $3,102 $3,531
06492 $1,287 $1,419 $1,727 $2,123 $2,420
06501 $1,331 $1,463 $1,782 $2,189 $2,497
06502 $1,331 $1,463 $1,782 $2,189 $2,497
06503 $1,331 $1,463 $1,782 $2,189 $2,497
06504 $1,331 $1,463 $1,782 $2,189 $2,497
06505 $1,331 $1,463 $1,782 $2,189 $2,497
06506 $1,331 $1,463 $1,782 $2,189 $2,497
06507 $1,331 $1,463 $1,782 $2,189 $2,497
06508 $1,331 $1,463 $1,782 $2,189 $2,497
06509 $1,331 $1,463 $1,782 $2,189 $2,497
06510 $1,793 $1,969 $2,398 $2,948 $3,355
06511 $1,441 $1,573 $1,925 $2,365 $2,695
06512 $1,364 $1,496 $1,826 $2,244 $2,563
06513 $1,232 $1,353 $1,650 $2,035 $2,310
06514 $1,496 $1,639 $2,002 $2,464 $2,805
06515 $1,452 $1,595 $1,947 $2,398 $2,728
06516 $1,342 $1,474 $1,804 $2,222 $2,772
06517 $1,342 $1,474 $1,793 $2,211 $2,508
06518 $1,826 $2,013 $2,453 $3,014 $3,432
06519 $1,342 $1,474 $1,804 $2,222 $2,530
06520 $1,331 $1,463 $1,782 $2,189 $2,497
06521 $1,331 $1,463 $1,782 $2,189 $2,497
06524 $1,485 $1,628 $1,991 $2,453 $2,794
06525 $1,749 $1,925 $2,343 $2,882 $3,278
06530 $1,331 $1,463 $1,782 $2,189 $2,497
06531 $1,331 $1,463 $1,782 $2,189 $2,497
06532 $1,331 $1,463 $1,782 $2,189 $2,497
06533 $1,331 $1,463 $1,782 $2,189 $2,497
06534 $1,331 $1,463 $1,782 $2,189 $2,497
06535 $1,331 $1,463 $1,782 $2,189 $2,497
06536 $1,331 $1,463 $1,782 $2,189 $2,497
06537 $1,331 $1,463 $1,782 $2,189 $2,497
06538 $1,331 $1,463 $1,782 $2,189 $2,497
06705 $1,188 $1,331 $1,617 $2,068 $2,552
06712 $1,232 $1,474 $1,815 $2,343 $2,882
06716 $1,496 $1,793 $2,200 $2,838 $3,498
06770 $1,188 $1,397 $1,628 $2,090 $2,772
06403 $1,441 $1,804 $2,123 $2,563 $3,608
06410 $1,430 $1,573 $1,914 $2,354 $2,684
06478 $1,353 $1,694 $1,991 $2,409 $3,377
06487 $1,188 $1,430 $1,760 $2,266 $2,805
06488 $1,584 $1,914 $2,343 $3,025 $3,729
06701 $1,188 $1,430 $1,760 $2,266 $2,805
06702 $891 $1,078 $1,331 $1,694 $2,035
06703 $1,188 $1,430 $1,760 $2,266 $2,805
06704 $968 $1,166 $1,430 $1,848 $2,277
06705 $1,188 $1,331 $1,617 $2,068 $2,552
06706 $979 $1,188 $1,452 $1,870 $2,310
06710 $1,056 $1,265 $1,551 $2,002 $2,464
06712 $1,232 $1,474 $1,815 $2,343 $2,882
06716 $1,496 $1,793 $2,200 $2,838 $3,498
06720 $1,188 $1,430 $1,760 $2,266 $2,805
06721 $1,188 $1,430 $1,760 $2,266 $2,805
06722 $1,188 $1,430 $1,760 $2,266 $2,805
06723 $1,188 $1,430 $1,760 $2,266 $2,805
06724 $1,188 $1,430 $1,760 $2,266 $2,805
06762 $1,287 $1,551 $1,903 $2,453 $3,025
06770 $1,188 $1,397 $1,628 $2,090 $2,772

Fair Market Rents on this page apply to the following cities in New Haven County, Connecticut: West Haven, Wallingford, Milford, New Haven, Meriden, Naugatuck, Branford, Cheshire, East Haven, North Haven, Hamden, Waterbury, Guilford, Southbury, Madison, Ansonia, Wolcott, Seymour, Orange, and Oxford.

These Fair Market Rents also apply to the following ZIP codes in New Haven County, Connecticut: 06516, 06492, 06460, 06511, 06450, 06770, 06513, 06405, 06410, 06512, 06473, 06514, 06705, 06437, 06704, 06488, 06443, 06401, 06716, and 06483.

New Haven County, CT is considered part of the following metro FMR area: MILFORD-ANSONIA-SEYMOUR, CT HUD METRO FMR AREA.

More on New Haven County, CT


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Data Source

HUD Seal

Fair Market Rents are published by the Department of Housing And Urban Development.