Honolulu County, HI

2024 Fair Market Rents

Tags: 2024 SAFMRS Urban Honolulu, HI MSA

Return to the state page to see where Hawaii ranks nationally and to view information on other counties. Click on the map to view a different county.

The top four largest cities in Honolulu County are Waipahu, Ewa Beach, Mililani, and Kaneohe. Fair Market Rents on this page may apply depending on whether the county uses SAFMRs or county level FMRs. Cities in multiple SAFMR areas will have different SAFMRS based on ZIP code.

What type of FMR does Honolulu County use?

Honolulu County is determined by the HUD to use Small Area Fair Market Rents. 40th percentile FMRs still exist for this county but they are not used.

To learn more about the criteria the HUD uses to determine if a Metro FMR Area requires Small Area Fair Market Rents click here.

How does Honolulu County compare?

Honolulu County ($2,252) has a 7.5% higher FMR for 2-Bedroom housing than the average of Hawaii ($2,095) and therefore a higher gross rent.

Honolulu County is rank 2nd out of 5 counties. This means the FMRs, or in other words, the gross rent is higher than 3 other counties. Honolulu County is the 2nd most expensive county in terms of FMRs.

Rent Tables Honolulu County, HI

Fair Market Rent (40th Percentile)


Median Rent (50th Percentile)


Small Market Areas (By Zip Code)

The 90% and 110% SAFMRs represent the minimum and maximum payment standards that can be set by the local Public Housing Authority under regular conditions. The payment standard is the actual value used in Section 8. For more on payment standards click here.

FMRs and SAFMRs are set by the HUD. The local PHA takes these FMR/SAFMR values and may decide to use any value that is within +-10% of the FMR/SAFMR as the payment standard for the areas under their jurisdiction.

For a more in-depth explaination return to the overview page.

ZipCode Studio 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed
96701 $1,530 $1,670 $2,190 $3,090 $3,720
96706 $1,910 $2,090 $2,730 $3,850 $4,630
96707 $1,630 $1,790 $2,340 $3,300 $3,970
96709 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96712 $1,520 $1,660 $2,170 $3,060 $3,680
96717 $1,580 $1,730 $2,260 $3,180 $3,840
96730 $1,280 $1,410 $1,840 $2,590 $3,120
96731 $1,430 $1,570 $2,050 $2,890 $3,480
96734 $2,210 $2,410 $3,160 $4,450 $5,360
96744 $1,630 $1,790 $2,340 $3,300 $3,970
96759 $1,680 $1,840 $2,410 $3,390 $4,080
96762 $1,680 $1,830 $2,400 $3,380 $4,070
96782 $1,670 $1,830 $2,390 $3,370 $4,060
96786 $1,770 $1,930 $2,530 $3,570 $4,290
96789 $1,650 $1,800 $2,360 $3,330 $4,000
96791 $1,750 $1,910 $2,500 $3,520 $4,240
96792 $1,090 $1,190 $1,560 $2,200 $2,650
96795 $1,150 $1,250 $1,640 $2,310 $2,780
96797 $1,400 $1,540 $2,010 $2,830 $3,410
96801 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96802 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96803 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96804 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96805 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96806 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96807 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96808 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96809 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96810 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96811 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96812 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96813 $1,360 $1,490 $1,950 $2,750 $3,310
96814 $1,640 $1,790 $2,350 $3,310 $3,990
96815 $1,860 $2,030 $2,660 $3,750 $4,510
96816 $1,500 $1,640 $2,150 $3,030 $3,650
96817 $1,260 $1,370 $1,800 $2,540 $3,050
96818 $2,060 $2,250 $2,950 $4,160 $5,010
96819 $1,310 $1,440 $1,880 $2,650 $3,190
96820 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96821 $2,200 $2,410 $3,150 $4,440 $5,350
96822 $1,470 $1,610 $2,110 $2,970 $3,580
96823 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96824 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96825 $2,360 $2,580 $3,380 $4,760 $5,740
96826 $1,470 $1,600 $2,100 $2,960 $3,560
96828 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96830 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96836 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96837 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96839 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96848 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96850 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96853 $1,910 $2,080 $2,730 $3,850 $4,640
96854 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96857 $1,770 $1,930 $2,530 $3,570 $4,290
96858 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96859 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96860 $2,060 $2,250 $2,950 $4,160 $5,010
96861 $1,570 $1,720 $2,250 $3,170 $3,820
96863 $1,830 $2,010 $2,630 $3,700 $4,450
ZipCode Studio 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed
96701 $1,377 $1,503 $1,971 $2,781 $3,348
96706 $1,719 $1,881 $2,457 $3,465 $4,167
96707 $1,467 $1,611 $2,106 $2,970 $3,573
96709 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96712 $1,368 $1,494 $1,953 $2,754 $3,312
96717 $1,422 $1,557 $2,034 $2,862 $3,456
96730 $1,152 $1,269 $1,656 $2,331 $2,808
96731 $1,287 $1,413 $1,845 $2,601 $3,132
96734 $1,989 $2,169 $2,844 $4,005 $4,824
96744 $1,467 $1,611 $2,106 $2,970 $3,573
96759 $1,512 $1,656 $2,169 $3,051 $3,672
96762 $1,512 $1,647 $2,160 $3,042 $3,663
96782 $1,503 $1,647 $2,151 $3,033 $3,654
96786 $1,593 $1,737 $2,277 $3,213 $3,861
96789 $1,485 $1,620 $2,124 $2,997 $3,600
96791 $1,575 $1,719 $2,250 $3,168 $3,816
96792 $981 $1,071 $1,404 $1,980 $2,385
96795 $1,035 $1,125 $1,476 $2,079 $2,502
96797 $1,260 $1,386 $1,809 $2,547 $3,069
96801 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96802 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96803 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96804 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96805 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96806 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96807 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96808 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96809 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96810 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96811 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96812 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96813 $1,224 $1,341 $1,755 $2,475 $2,979
96814 $1,476 $1,611 $2,115 $2,979 $3,591
96815 $1,674 $1,827 $2,394 $3,375 $4,059
96816 $1,350 $1,476 $1,935 $2,727 $3,285
96817 $1,134 $1,233 $1,620 $2,286 $2,745
96818 $1,854 $2,025 $2,655 $3,744 $4,509
96819 $1,179 $1,296 $1,692 $2,385 $2,871
96820 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96821 $1,980 $2,169 $2,835 $3,996 $4,815
96822 $1,323 $1,449 $1,899 $2,673 $3,222
96823 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96824 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96825 $2,124 $2,322 $3,042 $4,284 $5,166
96826 $1,323 $1,440 $1,890 $2,664 $3,204
96828 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96830 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96836 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96837 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96839 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96848 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96850 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96853 $1,719 $1,872 $2,457 $3,465 $4,176
96854 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96857 $1,593 $1,737 $2,277 $3,213 $3,861
96858 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96859 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96860 $1,854 $2,025 $2,655 $3,744 $4,509
96861 $1,413 $1,548 $2,025 $2,853 $3,438
96863 $1,647 $1,809 $2,367 $3,330 $4,005
ZipCode Studio 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed
96701 $1,683 $1,837 $2,409 $3,399 $4,092
96706 $2,101 $2,299 $3,003 $4,235 $5,093
96707 $1,793 $1,969 $2,574 $3,630 $4,367
96709 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96712 $1,672 $1,826 $2,387 $3,366 $4,048
96717 $1,738 $1,903 $2,486 $3,498 $4,224
96730 $1,408 $1,551 $2,024 $2,849 $3,432
96731 $1,573 $1,727 $2,255 $3,179 $3,828
96734 $2,431 $2,651 $3,476 $4,895 $5,896
96744 $1,793 $1,969 $2,574 $3,630 $4,367
96759 $1,848 $2,024 $2,651 $3,729 $4,488
96762 $1,848 $2,013 $2,640 $3,718 $4,477
96782 $1,837 $2,013 $2,629 $3,707 $4,466
96786 $1,947 $2,123 $2,783 $3,927 $4,719
96789 $1,815 $1,980 $2,596 $3,663 $4,400
96791 $1,925 $2,101 $2,750 $3,872 $4,664
96792 $1,199 $1,309 $1,716 $2,420 $2,915
96795 $1,265 $1,375 $1,804 $2,541 $3,058
96797 $1,540 $1,694 $2,211 $3,113 $3,751
96801 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96802 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96803 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96804 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96805 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96806 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96807 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96808 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96809 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96810 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96811 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96812 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96813 $1,496 $1,639 $2,145 $3,025 $3,641
96814 $1,804 $1,969 $2,585 $3,641 $4,389
96815 $2,046 $2,233 $2,926 $4,125 $4,961
96816 $1,650 $1,804 $2,365 $3,333 $4,015
96817 $1,386 $1,507 $1,980 $2,794 $3,355
96818 $2,266 $2,475 $3,245 $4,576 $5,511
96819 $1,441 $1,584 $2,068 $2,915 $3,509
96820 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96821 $2,420 $2,651 $3,465 $4,884 $5,885
96822 $1,617 $1,771 $2,321 $3,267 $3,938
96823 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96824 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96825 $2,596 $2,838 $3,718 $5,236 $6,314
96826 $1,617 $1,760 $2,310 $3,256 $3,916
96828 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96830 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96836 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96837 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96839 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96848 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96850 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96853 $2,101 $2,288 $3,003 $4,235 $5,104
96854 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96857 $1,947 $2,123 $2,783 $3,927 $4,719
96858 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96859 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96860 $2,266 $2,475 $3,245 $4,576 $5,511
96861 $1,727 $1,892 $2,475 $3,487 $4,202
96863 $2,013 $2,211 $2,893 $4,070 $4,895

Fair Market Rents on this page apply to the following cities in Honolulu County, Hawaii: Waipahu, Ewa Beach, Mililani, Kaneohe, Honolulu, Kailua, Aiea, Waianae, Pearl City, Wahiawa, Kapolei, Waimanalo, Waialua, Haleiwa, Laie, Hauula, M C B H Kaneohe Bay, Kahuku, Kaaawa, and Schofield Barracks.

These Fair Market Rents also apply to the following ZIP codes in Honolulu County, Hawaii: 96797, 96706, 96789, 96744, 96817, 96816, 96734, 96818, 96819, 96701, 96792, 96822, 96782, 96786, 96707, 96825, 96826, 96815, 96813, and 96821.

Honolulu County, HI is considered part of the following metro FMR area: URBAN HONOLULU, HI MSA.

More on Honolulu County, HI


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Data Source

HUD Seal

Fair Market Rents are published by the Department of Housing And Urban Development.