Hillsborough County, FL

2024 Fair Market Rents

Tags: 2024 SAFMRS Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL MSA

Return to the state page to see where Florida ranks nationally and to view information on other counties. Click on the map to view a different county.

The top four largest cities in Hillsborough County are Tampa, Brandon, Lakeland, and Valrico. Fair Market Rents on this page may apply depending on whether the county uses SAFMRs or county level FMRs. Cities in multiple SAFMR areas will have different SAFMRS based on ZIP code.

What type of FMR does Hillsborough County use?

Hillsborough County is determined by the HUD to use Small Area Fair Market Rents. 40th percentile FMRs still exist for this county but they are not used.

To learn more about the criteria the HUD uses to determine if a Metro FMR Area requires Small Area Fair Market Rents click here.

How does Hillsborough County compare?

Hillsborough County ($1,851) has a 36.2% higher FMR for 2-Bedroom housing than the average of Florida ($1,359) and therefore a higher gross rent.

Hillsborough County is rank 9th out of 67 counties. This means the FMRs, or in other words, the gross rent is higher than 58 other counties. Hillsborough County is the 9th most expensive county in terms of FMRs.

Rent Tables Hillsborough County, FL

Fair Market Rent (40th Percentile)


Median Rent (50th Percentile)


Small Market Areas (By Zip Code)

The 90% and 110% SAFMRs represent the minimum and maximum payment standards that can be set by the local Public Housing Authority under regular conditions. The payment standard is the actual value used in Section 8. For more on payment standards click here.

FMRs and SAFMRs are set by the HUD. The local PHA takes these FMR/SAFMR values and may decide to use any value that is within +-10% of the FMR/SAFMR as the payment standard for the areas under their jurisdiction.

For a more in-depth explaination return to the overview page.

ZipCode Studio 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed
33547 $2,170 $2,340 $2,780 $3,550 $4,330
33810 $1,110 $1,120 $1,380 $1,860 $2,340
33860 $970 $970 $1,200 $1,610 $2,040
33598 $1,100 $1,190 $1,410 $1,800 $2,200
33503 $1,560 $1,680 $1,990 $2,540 $3,110
33508 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33509 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33510 $1,460 $1,570 $1,860 $2,380 $2,900
33511 $1,690 $1,820 $2,160 $2,760 $3,370
33527 $1,060 $1,140 $1,350 $1,730 $2,110
33530 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33534 $1,290 $1,390 $1,650 $2,110 $2,570
33540 $990 $1,070 $1,270 $1,620 $1,980
33547 $2,170 $2,340 $2,780 $3,550 $4,330
33548 $1,970 $2,130 $2,520 $3,220 $3,930
33549 $1,540 $1,660 $1,970 $2,520 $3,070
33550 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33556 $1,640 $1,770 $2,100 $2,690 $3,280
33558 $1,410 $1,520 $1,800 $2,300 $2,810
33559 $1,530 $1,650 $1,950 $2,490 $3,040
33563 $1,230 $1,320 $1,570 $2,010 $2,450
33564 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33565 $1,210 $1,300 $1,540 $1,970 $2,400
33566 $1,390 $1,490 $1,770 $2,260 $2,760
33567 $1,280 $1,380 $1,640 $2,100 $2,560
33568 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33569 $1,840 $1,980 $2,350 $3,000 $3,670
33570 $1,190 $1,280 $1,520 $1,940 $2,370
33571 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33572 $2,000 $2,150 $2,550 $3,260 $3,980
33573 $1,680 $1,810 $2,140 $2,740 $3,340
33578 $1,650 $1,780 $2,110 $2,700 $3,290
33579 $2,160 $2,330 $2,760 $3,530 $4,310
33583 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33584 $1,420 $1,540 $1,820 $2,330 $2,840
33586 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33587 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33592 $1,060 $1,150 $1,360 $1,740 $2,120
33594 $1,760 $1,900 $2,250 $2,880 $3,510
33595 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33596 $2,180 $2,350 $2,780 $3,550 $4,340
33598 $1,100 $1,190 $1,410 $1,800 $2,200
33601 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33602 $2,180 $2,350 $2,780 $3,550 $4,340
33603 $1,350 $1,450 $1,720 $2,200 $2,680
33604 $1,310 $1,410 $1,670 $2,140 $2,610
33605 $1,210 $1,300 $1,540 $1,970 $2,400
33606 $2,000 $2,150 $2,550 $3,260 $3,980
33607 $1,640 $1,760 $2,090 $2,670 $3,260
33609 $1,640 $1,770 $2,100 $2,690 $3,280
33610 $1,260 $1,360 $1,610 $2,060 $2,510
33611 $1,620 $1,750 $2,070 $2,650 $3,230
33612 $1,220 $1,320 $1,560 $1,990 $2,430
33613 $1,290 $1,390 $1,650 $2,110 $2,570
33614 $1,450 $1,560 $1,850 $2,370 $2,890
33615 $1,640 $1,770 $2,100 $2,690 $3,280
33616 $1,660 $1,790 $2,120 $2,710 $3,310
33617 $1,420 $1,530 $1,810 $2,310 $2,820
33618 $1,410 $1,520 $1,800 $2,300 $2,810
33619 $1,530 $1,650 $1,960 $2,510 $3,060
33620 $1,310 $1,420 $1,680 $2,140 $2,610
33621 $2,180 $2,350 $2,780 $3,550 $4,340
33622 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33623 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33624 $1,640 $1,760 $2,090 $2,670 $3,260
33625 $1,780 $1,920 $2,280 $2,920 $3,560
33626 $1,990 $2,140 $2,540 $3,250 $3,960
33629 $1,710 $1,840 $2,180 $2,790 $3,400
33630 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33634 $1,680 $1,810 $2,140 $2,740 $3,340
33635 $1,750 $1,880 $2,230 $2,850 $3,480
33637 $1,440 $1,550 $1,840 $2,350 $2,870
33646 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33647 $1,790 $1,930 $2,290 $2,930 $3,570
33672 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33673 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33674 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33675 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33677 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33679 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33680 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33681 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33682 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33684 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33685 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33687 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33688 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33689 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33694 $1,490 $1,600 $1,900 $2,430 $2,960
33810 $1,110 $1,120 $1,380 $1,860 $2,340
33860 $970 $970 $1,200 $1,610 $2,040
ZipCode Studio 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed
33547 $1,953 $2,106 $2,502 $3,195 $3,897
33810 $999 $1,008 $1,242 $1,674 $2,106
33860 $873 $873 $1,080 $1,449 $1,836
33598 $990 $1,071 $1,269 $1,620 $1,980
33503 $1,404 $1,512 $1,791 $2,286 $2,799
33508 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33509 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33510 $1,314 $1,413 $1,674 $2,142 $2,610
33511 $1,521 $1,638 $1,944 $2,484 $3,033
33527 $954 $1,026 $1,215 $1,557 $1,899
33530 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33534 $1,161 $1,251 $1,485 $1,899 $2,313
33540 $891 $963 $1,143 $1,458 $1,782
33547 $1,953 $2,106 $2,502 $3,195 $3,897
33548 $1,773 $1,917 $2,268 $2,898 $3,537
33549 $1,386 $1,494 $1,773 $2,268 $2,763
33550 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33556 $1,476 $1,593 $1,890 $2,421 $2,952
33558 $1,269 $1,368 $1,620 $2,070 $2,529
33559 $1,377 $1,485 $1,755 $2,241 $2,736
33563 $1,107 $1,188 $1,413 $1,809 $2,205
33564 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33565 $1,089 $1,170 $1,386 $1,773 $2,160
33566 $1,251 $1,341 $1,593 $2,034 $2,484
33567 $1,152 $1,242 $1,476 $1,890 $2,304
33568 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33569 $1,656 $1,782 $2,115 $2,700 $3,303
33570 $1,071 $1,152 $1,368 $1,746 $2,133
33571 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33572 $1,800 $1,935 $2,295 $2,934 $3,582
33573 $1,512 $1,629 $1,926 $2,466 $3,006
33578 $1,485 $1,602 $1,899 $2,430 $2,961
33579 $1,944 $2,097 $2,484 $3,177 $3,879
33583 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33584 $1,278 $1,386 $1,638 $2,097 $2,556
33586 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33587 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33592 $954 $1,035 $1,224 $1,566 $1,908
33594 $1,584 $1,710 $2,025 $2,592 $3,159
33595 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33596 $1,962 $2,115 $2,502 $3,195 $3,906
33598 $990 $1,071 $1,269 $1,620 $1,980
33601 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33602 $1,962 $2,115 $2,502 $3,195 $3,906
33603 $1,215 $1,305 $1,548 $1,980 $2,412
33604 $1,179 $1,269 $1,503 $1,926 $2,349
33605 $1,089 $1,170 $1,386 $1,773 $2,160
33606 $1,800 $1,935 $2,295 $2,934 $3,582
33607 $1,476 $1,584 $1,881 $2,403 $2,934
33609 $1,476 $1,593 $1,890 $2,421 $2,952
33610 $1,134 $1,224 $1,449 $1,854 $2,259
33611 $1,458 $1,575 $1,863 $2,385 $2,907
33612 $1,098 $1,188 $1,404 $1,791 $2,187
33613 $1,161 $1,251 $1,485 $1,899 $2,313
33614 $1,305 $1,404 $1,665 $2,133 $2,601
33615 $1,476 $1,593 $1,890 $2,421 $2,952
33616 $1,494 $1,611 $1,908 $2,439 $2,979
33617 $1,278 $1,377 $1,629 $2,079 $2,538
33618 $1,269 $1,368 $1,620 $2,070 $2,529
33619 $1,377 $1,485 $1,764 $2,259 $2,754
33620 $1,179 $1,278 $1,512 $1,926 $2,349
33621 $1,962 $2,115 $2,502 $3,195 $3,906
33622 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33623 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33624 $1,476 $1,584 $1,881 $2,403 $2,934
33625 $1,602 $1,728 $2,052 $2,628 $3,204
33626 $1,791 $1,926 $2,286 $2,925 $3,564
33629 $1,539 $1,656 $1,962 $2,511 $3,060
33630 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33634 $1,512 $1,629 $1,926 $2,466 $3,006
33635 $1,575 $1,692 $2,007 $2,565 $3,132
33637 $1,296 $1,395 $1,656 $2,115 $2,583
33646 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33647 $1,611 $1,737 $2,061 $2,637 $3,213
33672 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33673 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33674 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33675 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33677 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33679 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33680 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33681 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33682 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33684 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33685 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33687 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33688 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33689 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33694 $1,341 $1,440 $1,710 $2,187 $2,664
33810 $999 $1,008 $1,242 $1,674 $2,106
33860 $873 $873 $1,080 $1,449 $1,836
ZipCode Studio 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed
33547 $2,387 $2,574 $3,058 $3,905 $4,763
33810 $1,221 $1,232 $1,518 $2,046 $2,574
33860 $1,067 $1,067 $1,320 $1,771 $2,244
33598 $1,210 $1,309 $1,551 $1,980 $2,420
33503 $1,716 $1,848 $2,189 $2,794 $3,421
33508 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33509 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33510 $1,606 $1,727 $2,046 $2,618 $3,190
33511 $1,859 $2,002 $2,376 $3,036 $3,707
33527 $1,166 $1,254 $1,485 $1,903 $2,321
33530 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33534 $1,419 $1,529 $1,815 $2,321 $2,827
33540 $1,089 $1,177 $1,397 $1,782 $2,178
33547 $2,387 $2,574 $3,058 $3,905 $4,763
33548 $2,167 $2,343 $2,772 $3,542 $4,323
33549 $1,694 $1,826 $2,167 $2,772 $3,377
33550 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33556 $1,804 $1,947 $2,310 $2,959 $3,608
33558 $1,551 $1,672 $1,980 $2,530 $3,091
33559 $1,683 $1,815 $2,145 $2,739 $3,344
33563 $1,353 $1,452 $1,727 $2,211 $2,695
33564 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33565 $1,331 $1,430 $1,694 $2,167 $2,640
33566 $1,529 $1,639 $1,947 $2,486 $3,036
33567 $1,408 $1,518 $1,804 $2,310 $2,816
33568 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33569 $2,024 $2,178 $2,585 $3,300 $4,037
33570 $1,309 $1,408 $1,672 $2,134 $2,607
33571 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33572 $2,200 $2,365 $2,805 $3,586 $4,378
33573 $1,848 $1,991 $2,354 $3,014 $3,674
33578 $1,815 $1,958 $2,321 $2,970 $3,619
33579 $2,376 $2,563 $3,036 $3,883 $4,741
33583 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33584 $1,562 $1,694 $2,002 $2,563 $3,124
33586 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33587 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33592 $1,166 $1,265 $1,496 $1,914 $2,332
33594 $1,936 $2,090 $2,475 $3,168 $3,861
33595 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33596 $2,398 $2,585 $3,058 $3,905 $4,774
33598 $1,210 $1,309 $1,551 $1,980 $2,420
33601 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33602 $2,398 $2,585 $3,058 $3,905 $4,774
33603 $1,485 $1,595 $1,892 $2,420 $2,948
33604 $1,441 $1,551 $1,837 $2,354 $2,871
33605 $1,331 $1,430 $1,694 $2,167 $2,640
33606 $2,200 $2,365 $2,805 $3,586 $4,378
33607 $1,804 $1,936 $2,299 $2,937 $3,586
33609 $1,804 $1,947 $2,310 $2,959 $3,608
33610 $1,386 $1,496 $1,771 $2,266 $2,761
33611 $1,782 $1,925 $2,277 $2,915 $3,553
33612 $1,342 $1,452 $1,716 $2,189 $2,673
33613 $1,419 $1,529 $1,815 $2,321 $2,827
33614 $1,595 $1,716 $2,035 $2,607 $3,179
33615 $1,804 $1,947 $2,310 $2,959 $3,608
33616 $1,826 $1,969 $2,332 $2,981 $3,641
33617 $1,562 $1,683 $1,991 $2,541 $3,102
33618 $1,551 $1,672 $1,980 $2,530 $3,091
33619 $1,683 $1,815 $2,156 $2,761 $3,366
33620 $1,441 $1,562 $1,848 $2,354 $2,871
33621 $2,398 $2,585 $3,058 $3,905 $4,774
33622 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33623 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33624 $1,804 $1,936 $2,299 $2,937 $3,586
33625 $1,958 $2,112 $2,508 $3,212 $3,916
33626 $2,189 $2,354 $2,794 $3,575 $4,356
33629 $1,881 $2,024 $2,398 $3,069 $3,740
33630 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33634 $1,848 $1,991 $2,354 $3,014 $3,674
33635 $1,925 $2,068 $2,453 $3,135 $3,828
33637 $1,584 $1,705 $2,024 $2,585 $3,157
33646 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33647 $1,969 $2,123 $2,519 $3,223 $3,927
33672 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33673 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33674 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33675 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33677 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33679 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33680 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33681 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33682 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33684 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33685 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33687 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33688 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33689 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33694 $1,639 $1,760 $2,090 $2,673 $3,256
33810 $1,221 $1,232 $1,518 $2,046 $2,574
33860 $1,067 $1,067 $1,320 $1,771 $2,244

Fair Market Rents on this page apply to the following cities in Hillsborough County, Florida: Tampa, Brandon, Lakeland, Valrico, Riverview, Seffner, Odessa, Plant City, Lutz, Sun City Center, Mulberry, Lithia, Ruskin, Apollo Beach, Dover, Gibsonton, Wimauma, Thonotosassa, Zephyrhills, and Sydney.

These Fair Market Rents also apply to the following ZIP codes in Hillsborough County, Florida: 33647, 33511, 33614, 33615, 33810, 33617, 33624, 33610, 33612, 33594, 33604, 33619, 33578, 33611, 33626, 33510, 33569, 33596, 33618, and 33625.

Hillsborough County, FL is considered part of the following metro FMR area: TAMPA-ST. PETERSBURG-CLEARWATER, FL MSA.

Other counties in the same metro FMR area are: Hernando County, FL, Pasco County, FL, and Pinellas County, FL.

More on Hillsborough County, FL


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Data Source

HUD Seal

Fair Market Rents are published by the Department of Housing And Urban Development.