Bergen County, NJ

2024 Fair Market Rents

Tags: 2024 SAFMRS Bergen-Passaic, NJ HUD Metro FMR Area

Return to the state page to see where New Jersey ranks nationally and to view information on other counties. Click on the map to view a different county.

The top four largest cities in Bergen County are Passaic, North Bergen, Hackensack, and Teaneck. Fair Market Rents on this page may apply depending on whether the county uses SAFMRs or county level FMRs. Cities in multiple SAFMR areas will have different SAFMRS based on ZIP code.

What type of FMR does Bergen County use?

Bergen County is determined by the HUD to use Small Area Fair Market Rents. 40th percentile FMRs still exist for this county but they are not used.

To learn more about the criteria the HUD uses to determine if a Metro FMR Area requires Small Area Fair Market Rents click here.

How does Bergen County compare?

Bergen County ($1,892) has a 0.2% higher FMR for 2-Bedroom housing than the average of New Jersey ($1,889) and therefore a higher gross rent.

Bergen County is rank 12th out of 21 counties. This means the FMRs, or in other words, the gross rent is lower than 11 other counties. Bergen County is the 10th cheapest county in terms of FMRs.

Rent Tables Bergen County, NJ

Fair Market Rent (40th Percentile)


Median Rent (50th Percentile)


Small Market Areas (By Zip Code)

The 90% and 110% SAFMRs represent the minimum and maximum payment standards that can be set by the local Public Housing Authority under regular conditions. The payment standard is the actual value used in Section 8. For more on payment standards click here.

FMRs and SAFMRs are set by the HUD. The local PHA takes these FMR/SAFMR values and may decide to use any value that is within +-10% of the FMR/SAFMR as the payment standard for the areas under their jurisdiction.

For a more in-depth explaination return to the overview page.

ZipCode Studio 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed
07010 $1,480 $1,740 $2,000 $2,480 $3,110
07020 $2,100 $2,470 $2,840 $3,520 $4,420
07022 $1,390 $1,630 $1,880 $2,330 $2,930
07024 $1,950 $2,300 $2,640 $3,270 $4,110
07026 $1,300 $1,520 $1,750 $2,170 $2,720
07031 $1,350 $1,580 $1,820 $2,250 $2,830
07032 $1,770 $1,800 $2,040 $2,530 $2,820
07047 $2,130 $2,170 $2,460 $3,060 $3,410
07055 $1,150 $1,350 $1,550 $1,920 $2,410
07057 $1,210 $1,420 $1,630 $2,020 $2,540
07070 $1,410 $1,660 $1,910 $2,360 $2,970
07071 $1,410 $1,660 $1,910 $2,360 $2,970
07072 $1,440 $1,690 $1,940 $2,400 $3,020
07073 $1,500 $1,760 $2,020 $2,500 $3,150
07074 $1,110 $1,300 $1,500 $1,860 $2,340
07075 $1,620 $1,900 $2,190 $2,710 $3,410
07401 $2,010 $2,360 $2,710 $3,360 $4,220
07407 $1,620 $1,900 $2,190 $2,710 $3,410
07410 $1,670 $1,970 $2,260 $2,800 $3,520
07417 $2,100 $2,470 $2,840 $3,520 $4,420
07423 $2,100 $2,470 $2,840 $3,520 $4,420
07430 $1,950 $2,300 $2,640 $3,270 $4,110
07432 $1,610 $1,890 $2,170 $2,690 $3,380
07436 $1,630 $1,910 $2,200 $2,720 $3,430
07446 $1,620 $1,900 $2,190 $2,710 $3,410
07450 $2,060 $2,420 $2,780 $3,440 $4,330
07451 $1,510 $1,770 $2,040 $2,530 $3,180
07452 $1,870 $2,190 $2,520 $3,120 $3,920
07458 $2,100 $2,470 $2,840 $3,520 $4,420
07463 $1,730 $2,040 $2,340 $2,900 $3,640
07481 $1,920 $2,250 $2,590 $3,210 $4,030
07495 $1,510 $1,770 $2,040 $2,530 $3,180
07506 $1,410 $1,660 $1,910 $2,360 $2,970
07508 $1,390 $1,630 $1,880 $2,330 $2,930
07601 $1,550 $1,830 $2,100 $2,600 $3,270
07602 $1,510 $1,770 $2,040 $2,530 $3,180
07603 $1,370 $1,610 $1,850 $2,290 $2,880
07604 $1,440 $1,700 $1,950 $2,410 $3,040
07605 $1,450 $1,700 $1,960 $2,430 $3,050
07606 $1,520 $1,790 $2,060 $2,550 $3,210
07607 $1,650 $1,940 $2,230 $2,760 $3,470
07608 $1,580 $1,850 $2,130 $2,640 $3,320
07620 $1,940 $2,280 $2,620 $3,250 $4,080
07621 $1,380 $1,620 $1,860 $2,300 $2,900
07624 $2,040 $2,400 $2,760 $3,420 $4,300
07626 $2,100 $2,470 $2,840 $3,520 $4,420
07627 $2,060 $2,430 $2,790 $3,460 $4,350
07628 $1,340 $1,570 $1,810 $2,240 $2,820
07630 $1,810 $2,120 $2,440 $3,020 $3,800
07631 $1,550 $1,830 $2,100 $2,600 $3,270
07632 $1,820 $2,140 $2,480 $3,070 $3,870
07640 $2,100 $2,470 $2,840 $3,520 $4,420
07641 $1,690 $1,990 $2,290 $2,840 $3,560
07642 $1,350 $1,590 $1,830 $2,270 $2,850
07643 $1,320 $1,550 $1,780 $2,200 $2,770
07644 $1,320 $1,550 $1,780 $2,200 $2,770
07645 $1,720 $2,020 $2,320 $2,870 $3,610
07646 $1,360 $1,600 $1,840 $2,280 $2,870
07647 $1,490 $1,750 $2,010 $2,490 $3,130
07648 $1,750 $2,060 $2,370 $2,930 $3,690
07649 $1,610 $1,900 $2,180 $2,700 $3,390
07650 $1,550 $1,820 $2,090 $2,590 $3,250
07652 $2,100 $2,470 $2,840 $3,520 $4,420
07653 $1,510 $1,770 $2,040 $2,530 $3,180
07656 $1,550 $1,820 $2,090 $2,590 $3,250
07657 $1,590 $1,870 $2,150 $2,660 $3,350
07660 $1,320 $1,550 $1,780 $2,200 $2,770
07661 $1,550 $1,830 $2,100 $2,600 $3,270
07662 $1,610 $1,900 $2,180 $2,700 $3,390
07663 $1,640 $1,920 $2,210 $2,740 $3,440
07666 $1,410 $1,660 $1,910 $2,360 $2,970
07670 $2,100 $2,470 $2,840 $3,520 $4,420
07675 $1,780 $2,090 $2,400 $2,970 $3,740
07676 $1,810 $2,130 $2,450 $3,030 $3,810
07677 $1,820 $2,140 $2,460 $3,050 $3,830
07699 $1,510 $1,770 $2,040 $2,530 $3,180
07032 $1,770 $1,800 $2,040 $2,530 $2,820
07047 $2,130 $2,170 $2,460 $3,060 $3,410
ZipCode Studio 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed
07010 $1,332 $1,566 $1,800 $2,232 $2,799
07020 $1,890 $2,223 $2,556 $3,168 $3,978
07022 $1,251 $1,467 $1,692 $2,097 $2,637
07024 $1,755 $2,070 $2,376 $2,943 $3,699
07026 $1,170 $1,368 $1,575 $1,953 $2,448
07031 $1,215 $1,422 $1,638 $2,025 $2,547
07032 $1,593 $1,620 $1,836 $2,277 $2,538
07047 $1,917 $1,953 $2,214 $2,754 $3,069
07055 $1,035 $1,215 $1,395 $1,728 $2,169
07057 $1,089 $1,278 $1,467 $1,818 $2,286
07070 $1,269 $1,494 $1,719 $2,124 $2,673
07071 $1,269 $1,494 $1,719 $2,124 $2,673
07072 $1,296 $1,521 $1,746 $2,160 $2,718
07073 $1,350 $1,584 $1,818 $2,250 $2,835
07074 $999 $1,170 $1,350 $1,674 $2,106
07075 $1,458 $1,710 $1,971 $2,439 $3,069
07401 $1,809 $2,124 $2,439 $3,024 $3,798
07407 $1,458 $1,710 $1,971 $2,439 $3,069
07410 $1,503 $1,773 $2,034 $2,520 $3,168
07417 $1,890 $2,223 $2,556 $3,168 $3,978
07423 $1,890 $2,223 $2,556 $3,168 $3,978
07430 $1,755 $2,070 $2,376 $2,943 $3,699
07432 $1,449 $1,701 $1,953 $2,421 $3,042
07436 $1,467 $1,719 $1,980 $2,448 $3,087
07446 $1,458 $1,710 $1,971 $2,439 $3,069
07450 $1,854 $2,178 $2,502 $3,096 $3,897
07451 $1,359 $1,593 $1,836 $2,277 $2,862
07452 $1,683 $1,971 $2,268 $2,808 $3,528
07458 $1,890 $2,223 $2,556 $3,168 $3,978
07463 $1,557 $1,836 $2,106 $2,610 $3,276
07481 $1,728 $2,025 $2,331 $2,889 $3,627
07495 $1,359 $1,593 $1,836 $2,277 $2,862
07506 $1,269 $1,494 $1,719 $2,124 $2,673
07508 $1,251 $1,467 $1,692 $2,097 $2,637
07601 $1,395 $1,647 $1,890 $2,340 $2,943
07602 $1,359 $1,593 $1,836 $2,277 $2,862
07603 $1,233 $1,449 $1,665 $2,061 $2,592
07604 $1,296 $1,530 $1,755 $2,169 $2,736
07605 $1,305 $1,530 $1,764 $2,187 $2,745
07606 $1,368 $1,611 $1,854 $2,295 $2,889
07607 $1,485 $1,746 $2,007 $2,484 $3,123
07608 $1,422 $1,665 $1,917 $2,376 $2,988
07620 $1,746 $2,052 $2,358 $2,925 $3,672
07621 $1,242 $1,458 $1,674 $2,070 $2,610
07624 $1,836 $2,160 $2,484 $3,078 $3,870
07626 $1,890 $2,223 $2,556 $3,168 $3,978
07627 $1,854 $2,187 $2,511 $3,114 $3,915
07628 $1,206 $1,413 $1,629 $2,016 $2,538
07630 $1,629 $1,908 $2,196 $2,718 $3,420
07631 $1,395 $1,647 $1,890 $2,340 $2,943
07632 $1,638 $1,926 $2,232 $2,763 $3,483
07640 $1,890 $2,223 $2,556 $3,168 $3,978
07641 $1,521 $1,791 $2,061 $2,556 $3,204
07642 $1,215 $1,431 $1,647 $2,043 $2,565
07643 $1,188 $1,395 $1,602 $1,980 $2,493
07644 $1,188 $1,395 $1,602 $1,980 $2,493
07645 $1,548 $1,818 $2,088 $2,583 $3,249
07646 $1,224 $1,440 $1,656 $2,052 $2,583
07647 $1,341 $1,575 $1,809 $2,241 $2,817
07648 $1,575 $1,854 $2,133 $2,637 $3,321
07649 $1,449 $1,710 $1,962 $2,430 $3,051
07650 $1,395 $1,638 $1,881 $2,331 $2,925
07652 $1,890 $2,223 $2,556 $3,168 $3,978
07653 $1,359 $1,593 $1,836 $2,277 $2,862
07656 $1,395 $1,638 $1,881 $2,331 $2,925
07657 $1,431 $1,683 $1,935 $2,394 $3,015
07660 $1,188 $1,395 $1,602 $1,980 $2,493
07661 $1,395 $1,647 $1,890 $2,340 $2,943
07662 $1,449 $1,710 $1,962 $2,430 $3,051
07663 $1,476 $1,728 $1,989 $2,466 $3,096
07666 $1,269 $1,494 $1,719 $2,124 $2,673
07670 $1,890 $2,223 $2,556 $3,168 $3,978
07675 $1,602 $1,881 $2,160 $2,673 $3,366
07676 $1,629 $1,917 $2,205 $2,727 $3,429
07677 $1,638 $1,926 $2,214 $2,745 $3,447
07699 $1,359 $1,593 $1,836 $2,277 $2,862
07032 $1,593 $1,620 $1,836 $2,277 $2,538
07047 $1,917 $1,953 $2,214 $2,754 $3,069
ZipCode Studio 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed
07010 $1,628 $1,914 $2,200 $2,728 $3,421
07020 $2,310 $2,717 $3,124 $3,872 $4,862
07022 $1,529 $1,793 $2,068 $2,563 $3,223
07024 $2,145 $2,530 $2,904 $3,597 $4,521
07026 $1,430 $1,672 $1,925 $2,387 $2,992
07031 $1,485 $1,738 $2,002 $2,475 $3,113
07032 $1,947 $1,980 $2,244 $2,783 $3,102
07047 $2,343 $2,387 $2,706 $3,366 $3,751
07055 $1,265 $1,485 $1,705 $2,112 $2,651
07057 $1,331 $1,562 $1,793 $2,222 $2,794
07070 $1,551 $1,826 $2,101 $2,596 $3,267
07071 $1,551 $1,826 $2,101 $2,596 $3,267
07072 $1,584 $1,859 $2,134 $2,640 $3,322
07073 $1,650 $1,936 $2,222 $2,750 $3,465
07074 $1,221 $1,430 $1,650 $2,046 $2,574
07075 $1,782 $2,090 $2,409 $2,981 $3,751
07401 $2,211 $2,596 $2,981 $3,696 $4,642
07407 $1,782 $2,090 $2,409 $2,981 $3,751
07410 $1,837 $2,167 $2,486 $3,080 $3,872
07417 $2,310 $2,717 $3,124 $3,872 $4,862
07423 $2,310 $2,717 $3,124 $3,872 $4,862
07430 $2,145 $2,530 $2,904 $3,597 $4,521
07432 $1,771 $2,079 $2,387 $2,959 $3,718
07436 $1,793 $2,101 $2,420 $2,992 $3,773
07446 $1,782 $2,090 $2,409 $2,981 $3,751
07450 $2,266 $2,662 $3,058 $3,784 $4,763
07451 $1,661 $1,947 $2,244 $2,783 $3,498
07452 $2,057 $2,409 $2,772 $3,432 $4,312
07458 $2,310 $2,717 $3,124 $3,872 $4,862
07463 $1,903 $2,244 $2,574 $3,190 $4,004
07481 $2,112 $2,475 $2,849 $3,531 $4,433
07495 $1,661 $1,947 $2,244 $2,783 $3,498
07506 $1,551 $1,826 $2,101 $2,596 $3,267
07508 $1,529 $1,793 $2,068 $2,563 $3,223
07601 $1,705 $2,013 $2,310 $2,860 $3,597
07602 $1,661 $1,947 $2,244 $2,783 $3,498
07603 $1,507 $1,771 $2,035 $2,519 $3,168
07604 $1,584 $1,870 $2,145 $2,651 $3,344
07605 $1,595 $1,870 $2,156 $2,673 $3,355
07606 $1,672 $1,969 $2,266 $2,805 $3,531
07607 $1,815 $2,134 $2,453 $3,036 $3,817
07608 $1,738 $2,035 $2,343 $2,904 $3,652
07620 $2,134 $2,508 $2,882 $3,575 $4,488
07621 $1,518 $1,782 $2,046 $2,530 $3,190
07624 $2,244 $2,640 $3,036 $3,762 $4,730
07626 $2,310 $2,717 $3,124 $3,872 $4,862
07627 $2,266 $2,673 $3,069 $3,806 $4,785
07628 $1,474 $1,727 $1,991 $2,464 $3,102
07630 $1,991 $2,332 $2,684 $3,322 $4,180
07631 $1,705 $2,013 $2,310 $2,860 $3,597
07632 $2,002 $2,354 $2,728 $3,377 $4,257
07640 $2,310 $2,717 $3,124 $3,872 $4,862
07641 $1,859 $2,189 $2,519 $3,124 $3,916
07642 $1,485 $1,749 $2,013 $2,497 $3,135
07643 $1,452 $1,705 $1,958 $2,420 $3,047
07644 $1,452 $1,705 $1,958 $2,420 $3,047
07645 $1,892 $2,222 $2,552 $3,157 $3,971
07646 $1,496 $1,760 $2,024 $2,508 $3,157
07647 $1,639 $1,925 $2,211 $2,739 $3,443
07648 $1,925 $2,266 $2,607 $3,223 $4,059
07649 $1,771 $2,090 $2,398 $2,970 $3,729
07650 $1,705 $2,002 $2,299 $2,849 $3,575
07652 $2,310 $2,717 $3,124 $3,872 $4,862
07653 $1,661 $1,947 $2,244 $2,783 $3,498
07656 $1,705 $2,002 $2,299 $2,849 $3,575
07657 $1,749 $2,057 $2,365 $2,926 $3,685
07660 $1,452 $1,705 $1,958 $2,420 $3,047
07661 $1,705 $2,013 $2,310 $2,860 $3,597
07662 $1,771 $2,090 $2,398 $2,970 $3,729
07663 $1,804 $2,112 $2,431 $3,014 $3,784
07666 $1,551 $1,826 $2,101 $2,596 $3,267
07670 $2,310 $2,717 $3,124 $3,872 $4,862
07675 $1,958 $2,299 $2,640 $3,267 $4,114
07676 $1,991 $2,343 $2,695 $3,333 $4,191
07677 $2,002 $2,354 $2,706 $3,355 $4,213
07699 $1,661 $1,947 $2,244 $2,783 $3,498
07032 $1,947 $1,980 $2,244 $2,783 $3,102
07047 $2,343 $2,387 $2,706 $3,366 $3,751

Fair Market Rents on this page apply to the following cities in Bergen County, New Jersey: Passaic, North Bergen, Hackensack, Teaneck, Kearny, Fort Lee, Fair Lawn, Garfield, Westwood, Bergenfield, Paramus, Englewood, Ridgewood, Mahwah, Lodi, Haledon, Cliffside Park, Lyndhurst, Elmwood Park, and Hawthorne.

These Fair Market Rents also apply to the following ZIP codes in Bergen County, New Jersey: 07055, 07047, 07601, 07666, 07032, 07024, 07410, 07026, 07675, 07621, 07652, 07631, 07450, 07430, 07644, 07508, 07010, 07071, 07407, and 07506.

Bergen County, NJ is considered part of the following metro FMR area: BERGEN-PASSAIC, NJ HUD METRO FMR AREA.

Other counties in the same metro FMR area are: Passaic County, NJ.

More on Bergen County, NJ


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Data Source

HUD Seal

Fair Market Rents are published by the Department of Housing And Urban Development.